Book recipe minecraft

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    minecraft how to make enchantment table with bookshelves
  • Minecraft make enchantment table
  • Enchantment table bookshelves

  • Enchantment table recipe
  • Minecraft enchanting table bookshelf layout
  • Enchanting table minecraft
  • How many bookshelves for max enchantment
  • Minecraft enchanting table bookshelf layout.

    The enchantment table in Minecraft is a block used to endow tools, armor, weapons, books and raw materials with special abilities. To use the enchantment system, you need to spend the levels obtained through experience orbs.

    How to make an Enchanting Table ?

    Guide to making an Enchanting Table in Minecraft.

    Total Time:5 minutes

    Start by mining diamonds.

    This isn’t the easiest step, so make sure you’re well equipped.

    Find or make obsidian.

    You’ll find it in the lowest layers, or by touching moving water with lava.

    To mine it, you’ll need a diamond pickaxe.

    Find or make books.

    You’ll find them in the villages by smashing libraries, or you can create them from sugar cane.

    Use the items you’ve collected to make the Enchanting Table in a workbench.

    Place the book at the top, the 2 diamonds at the sides and the obsidian in the center.

    How do I use the Enchanting Table ?

    • To obtain a full level 30 enchantment, the Enchanting Table must be placed in the middle of 15 bookcases.
    • Then, you’ll notice 2 corners

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