Minecraft horse breeding chart
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Minecraft Horse Breeding Guide: How to Breed Horses in Minecraft
Horses were added to Minecraft in the 1.6 update. Since then, they have undergone several major transitions regarding their functionality in the game.
Breeding animals has undergone a few changes throughout the years, and horses are no exception.
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How to Breed Horses in Minecraft
The most important thing about breeding Horses in Minecraft is that they must be tamed for it to work.
You cannot breed wild Horses. Taming is as simple as repeatedly mounting it until it stops bucking you off, but you can find a more in depth guide on how to tame Horses here.
Activating 'Love Mode' in Minecraft
The first step can also be considered the last since it is the only thing you're required to do.
To activate Love Mode, you must feed Golden Apples or Golden Carrots to two tamed Horses that are near each other.
How to breed horses minecraft bedrockUpon doing this successfully, the two Horses will mate and produce a Foal.
Alternatively, if you breed one Horse with one Donkey, the baby will be a Mule. Mules cannot be bred further. I
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