Minecraft commands list bedrock

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    Want to learn how to use Minecraft commands and cheats? The Minecraft console is every bit as creative a tool as Minecraft itself.

    With it, you can teleport to various locations, change the time or weather, spawn items or entities, chat with your friends, or control entire Minecraft servers filled with players.

    Our Minecraft commands list is fully up-to-date with Minecraft 1.21, and will walk you through a selection of the most useful and powerful console commands and cheats in the game.

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    How to use Minecraft commands and cheats

    To use a Minecraft command or cheat, all you need to do is hop into your Minecraft game and tap the "/" key to open up the console.

    Every command in Minecraft must start with a "/", but using this shortcut will automatically add the "/" prefix so you can just start typing the command you want to use. Keep in mind that Minecraft commands are case-sensitive, so no capital letters allowed.

    Below we'll go over the most useful Minecraft commands and cheats and each one's syntax

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