Does mycelium spread to grass minecraft

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    how to get mycelium in minecraft without silk touch
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    how to get mycelium in minecraft atm9
  • How to get mycelium in minecraft
  • Mycelium minecraft!

    How to get mycelium in real life

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  • Mycelium minecraft
  • How to get mycelium to spread in minecraft
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  • Mycelium

    First Appearance

    Beta 1.9-pre1
    0.9.0 (PE)

    Type of Block

    Solid Block

    Tool Used

    Data Values

    Hex: 6E

    Technical Name



    Obey Physics




    Myceliumis a blocksimilar to grass. This block naturally generates and can only be found in mushroom island biomes.


    Mycelium will grow on any dirt block in an area where other mycelium blocks exist, even if the dirt blocks have a sapling or another plant on it (although the plant will fall off as soon as mycelium appears).

    Mycelium will spread to adjacent dirt blocks, as long as enough Light reaches the block (light level 9). Its spread can be stopped by creating an obstruction to the mycelium's expansion, such as a two-block change in terrain height or a non-dirt block.

    How to get mycelium in minecraft without silk touch

    Small "spore-like" particles appear above the surface of mycelium blocks. It is the only block beside giant mushroom blocks and dirt blocks that appear on the surface of the mushroom island.


    • Mycelium was first added in the first Bet

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        how to make mycelium in minecraft