Repeater minecraft
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- how to make a converter in minecraft
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Redstone inverter piston!
Redstone Logic
This is a very basic introduction to logic circuits in Minecraft.
Not gate minecraft
These are basic circuits that you can use to achieve simple tasks. It's possible to make this a lot more complicated, but we won't do that here! Here are the basics, presented as simply as possible.
You should read the 'redstone basics' introductory page first, if you haven't already.
Logic gates
A logic gate is a circuit that is on or off depending on certain inputs.
They can be very useful. For instance, you might want to control a lamp so that it only comes on when a daylight sensor is NOT giving a signal.
Redstone comparatorOr you might want to open a door if a button is pushed OR someone is standing on a pressure plate. Those words in capitals, NOT and OR, are the names of simple logic gates.
The best way to learn these is to built them yourself and see what happens when you flip the levers.
In all cases, its input on the left, and the output is a redstone lamp on the right.
NOT gate
This is the simplest gate: it's a redstone torch attached to a block. If the block is powered, the torch is off; otherwise
- minecraft how to create inverter
- minecraft inverter