How to make a beacon work in minecraft creative mode

    how to make beacon on minecraft
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    How to make a beacon light up...

    How to Make a Beacon in Minecraft

    If you have trouble returning to your base, learn how to make a Beacon in Minecraft to light your way. Beacons also provide helpful status buffs to keep you safe.

    How to Make a Beacon in Minecraft

    How to Make a Beacon in Minecraft

    Here's how to find and arrange the materials you need to craft a Beacon:

    1. Summon a Wither and defeat it to get a Nether Star.

    2. Make 5 Glass blocks.

      How to make a full beacon in minecraft

    3. How to make a beacon pyramid in minecraft
    4. How to make a beacon light up
    5. Beacon minecraft
    6. How to make a beacon in minecraft bedrock
    7. Smelt Sand in a Furnace to make Glass.

    8. Mine 3 Obsidian. Pour a Water Bucket over lava to create Obsidianblocks, then use a Diamond Pickaxe or Netherite Pickaxe to mine them.

    9. Craft the Beacon.

      Beacon minecraft

      In a Crafting Table, place 1 Nether Star in the middle box, place 3Obsidian in the bottom row, and place 5 Glass blocks in the remaining boxes.

    To help you navigate your Minecraft World further, you can make a map and customize it with a Cartography Table.

    Build a Base for Your Beacon

    To activate the Beacon, you must build a base out of Diamonds, Emeralds, Gold, Iron, or Netherite (any combination of these blocks will work).


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