Simple chicken coop minecraft

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  • How to make chicken coop minecraft
  • Functional chicken coop minecraft

  • Functional chicken coop minecraft
  • Minecraft chicken farm
  • How to build a small chicken coop in minecraft
  • Minecraft chicken coop ideas
  • Automatic chicken coop minecraft
  • How to build a small chicken coop in minecraft!

    The Chickens in Minecraft are a source of feathers, meat, and eggs so making a coop for them is a must. Using this structure, you can store all your chickens in one place.

    That makes collecting eggs & meat and breeding them so much easier.

    Small chicken coop minecraft

    Since this game is all about crafting, you can use the resources you get from the chicken to craft weapons and food recipes. In this guide, we will tell you how to build an Automatic Egg Farm in Minecraft.

    How to Build a Working Chicken Coop to Farm Eggs in Minecraft

    There are two ways you can go about it.

    There is always an option of building a simple fenced structure to trap the chickens inside. Then build walls around it to protect them from predators. However, the problem with this structure is that you will have to enter and go around to collect all the eggs.

    To build a Functional Chicken Coop in Minecraft to farm eggs, you will require Hoppers and Chests along with other basic materials.

    Follow these simple steps to do so:

    • Use logs to create a 5×5 basic square frame.
    • Make a 5-block column by adding fo

        how to make chicken farm minecraft 1.21
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