Can you cook tropical fish in minecraft
- how to make fish in minecraft
- how to make fish in minecraft survival
- how to get fish in minecraft
- how to cook fish in minecraft
How to breed fish in minecraft.
Fishing is the use of a fishing rod to obtain items, usually fish.
Catching fish[]
To fish, the player must use a fishing rod to cast the line into a body of water.
The player's position does not matter; the player can be in the water, underwater, sitting in a boat, or standing on adjacent land. Fish can be caught just as readily in small, shallow, and/or player-created pools, both aboveground and underground.
The bobber must be watched closely.
How to fish in minecraft
Small splashes can be seen around the bobber.
Once the bobber hits water, the wait time is determined, and the player must wait for a random period between 5 and 30 seconds (100 to 600 ticks at 20 ticks per second) before the hook catches something.
- Each level of the Lure enchantment on a fishing rod subtracts 5 seconds from both the minimum and maximum wait time. If it causes the wait time to be less than 0, a new wait time is generated in the next tick.
- If the bobber is not directly exposed to sun or moonlight, the wait time is approximately doubled (each tick has a 50% chance of not decrementing the count).
For direct
- how to get fish in minecraft survival
- how to get fish in minecraft creative mode