Get bukkit
- how to setup a minecraft bukkit server
- how to make a minecraft bukkit server
- how to setup a minecraft spigot server
- how to make a minecraft spigot server
Spigot vs bukkit.
This page is part of the official Bukkit Documentation
Preliminary notes
- Note: In this guide we refer to the server file as craftbukkit.jar but the file you download may be named differently.
Minecraft server
- Bukkit jar
- Spigot vs bukkit
- Craftbukkit
- Bukkit mods
The file name used in your start script must match the name of the file you download.
- Note: Unless you have a multi-homed machine and know what this means/requires, server-ip= in MUST remain unchanged from default and be blank.
- Note: When running a server for the first time, errors will show up.
Do not worry as this is normal; the server is generating files and folders needed to run as they do not exist yet.
- Note: The Bukkit server is intended as a complete replacement for the official Minecraft Server downloaded from and is not normally ran at the same time on a single computer.
It is possible however, to copy your 'World' data files previously created within
- how to create a minecraft spigot server
- how to make a minecraft plugin server