How to claim land in bendersmc

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    How to claim land

    Land is divided into claims. One claim is exactly 16x16 blocks and perfectly lines up with Minecraft chunks.

    Claiming a chunk costs 16 gold. To claim a chunk:

    1. Join or create a town.
    2. Have a town rank which is able to claim land, such as mayor (default rank for town founder).

      More on town ranks here.

    3. Deposit 16 or more gold via to your town bank. All town expenses are paid through the town bank.
    4. Stand in a chunk you want to claim adjacent to a chunk the town already owns.
    5. Run command .

    You successfully claim the chunk!


    Press keys to view chunk borders in-game.

    Claim limits​

    Your town can at first only claim 12 chunks.

    You can increase this number by 12 for every resident who joins. Your maximum amount of chunks can also increase through a nation bonus. This is an amount of max claimable chunks added to every town in a nation.

    How to get more claim blocks in minecraft

    It ranges from 10 extra chunks all the way to 100. It scales based on total residents in a nation. 10 chunks are from simply being in a nation. 100 is from having 200 residents in your whole nation.

    You can see how m

      how to claim land in minecraft factions
      how to claim land in minecraft bendersmc