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    How to get a girlfriend in minecraft

    The Girlfriend is a tameable mob in the OreSpawn mod. They can fight for the player. Girlfriends will wear the Pink Tourmaline set and the Tiger's eye set from the Crystal dimension.


    Girlfriends are passive to the player, but they attack hostile mobs and untamed girlfriends. They are fond of attacking Creepers.


    Mute Voice Enable - Right-click with Ruby.

    Mute Voice Disable - Right-click with Amethyst.

    Minecraft girlfriend mod download

  • How to get a girlfriend in minecraft no mods
  • Minecraft girlfriend jenny mod
  • Girlfriend mod minecraft
  • Minecraft girlfriend mod download java
  • Stay - Right-click with Diamond with nothing in her hand.

    Weapon - Right-click with the weapon.

    Armour - Be sure that she is holding nothing in her hand, then right-click with the armor.

    Stuff you should know[]

    They Attack: Creepers, other girlfriends, and most other hostile mobs.

    Tamed with: Poppy flowers.

    They don't attack: Endermen, Zombie Pigmen, other players.

    41 Normal skins and 18 swimsuit skins (to change her skin just right-click her with a yellow flower in your hand).

    Girlfriend mod minecraft

    Easter egg

    If your computer's date is Feb.14, girlfriends will become huge and hostile towards the player. They can kill you if not prepared. Use the rose