How to work group manager minecraft

        1. How to work group manager minecraft
        2. This is a tutorial/update for Group Manager for all server versions including 1.11 and 1.12 servers.


          Group Manager/Commands

          Group Manager provides two ways to perform user and group management. Either define the groups and users using the config file or modify the users and groups using console commands.

          All these commands can be used in the server console or in-game by someone with op. It is recommended to define the groups at least initially using the config files and perform user management with the commands.

          Vault plugin

        3. Essentialsx
        4. Luckperms
        5. › groups-manager-plugin-for-minecraft.
        6. Simply run /manuadd [player] [group] in your server's chat to assign a user on that rank.
        7. You will also be able to permit other users to use these management commands, to give all permissions you can use the summary permission .

          Obviously, these commands will only work if you have Group Manager installed.

          Group Manager commands follow a fairly standard syntax for most:

          man [u/g] [add/del/list/check] [p/i/v/sub]

          man - group manager
          [u/g] - user / group
          [p/i/v/sub] - permission / inheritance / variable / subgroup

          User Management

          • /manuadd: Move a player to desired group (adds them to the file if it doesn't exist).

            • /manudel: Remove any user specific configuration. Make him default group.
              • /manuaddsub: Add a group to a player's sub