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How to play minecraft with friends far away pc...
How to play Minecraft multiplayer
Minecraft is well-suited for solo play, but having a few friends join in on the action makes the experience all the more enjoyable.
Setting up a multiplayer game in Minecraft is a simple process, but it varies slightly based on which platform you’re using and whether your friends are nearby or half a world away. Here are all the ways to play Minecraft multiplayer.
The basics of Minecraft multiplayer
Minecraft gives users four different ways to connect with each other, each one with its own advantages and disadvantages.
How to play with friends on minecraft java for free
But before you jump into a game with your friends, it’s important to verify that all players attempting to join the multiplayer session are running the same version of the game. This means you’ll want to check that your version is updated with the latest content patches; otherwise, you’ll run into some bumps while trying to meet up with your friends.
This can be done by heading over to your preferred platforms app store, or by browsing the Minecrafttarget="_blank"> Help Center on PC.
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