Eye of ender recipe
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How to get ender pearls.
How to get eyes of ender in minecraft dungeons
If you’re wondering where to find those ingredients, how to turn them into an Eye of Ender, and exactly what an Eye of Ender does, read on for our handy guide!
How do you get an Eye of Ender in Minecraft?
If you want to make an Eye of Ender, you’ll have to do some crafting - and you’ll need two items in your inventory in order to achieve your goal.
First, you’ll need to find some Blaze Powder, which is fairly easy to do - when you kill Blaze mobs, they drop Blaze Rods, which you can turn into Blaze Powder simply by dropping said rods into the middle of the crafting square.
Next, you’ll need to get some Ender Pearls - when you kill an Enderman, there’s a good chance they’ll drop an Ender Pearl, so it shouldn’t take you too long to find one.
And now that you’ve got those two ingredients, you can move on to the crafting recipe!
Minecraft Eye of Ender crafting recipe
In your crafting square, drop the Ender Pearl into the middle square and the Blaze Powder in the square to its left.
Combine those two items and you’ve made yourself an Eye of Ender! Take a look at the image bel
- minecraft how to make eye of ender
- minecraft how to get eye of ender