How to make a secret painting door in minecraft bedrock

    how to build hidden door minecraft
    how to make hidden door minecraft bedrock
    how to make secret door minecraft
    how to make secret door minecraft painting
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    Introduction: Super Secret Door in Minecraft

    This instructable will show you how to build a door that is completely invisible from the outside, but opens up widely when opened.

    Being able to make one of these is very useful, especially when playing with siblings or on a server with friends, as they can't see your secret hideout, and only you know how to get in.

    Hidden door minecraft bedrock

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  • This style of hidden door is very useful and is really quite simple to make.

    It requires:

    - 2 redstone repeaters

    -1 redstone torch

    - 6 redstone dust

    - 12 sticky pistons

    - 1 lever

    - 4 door material

    - 1 previously existing cave/mountain OR 20 wall blocks

    Steps 1 - 5 will be on how to make the door in concept

    Steps 6 - 12 will be on how to make it inside of an already existing mountain or cave.

    Step 1: Add Pistons

    Make a 2*2 square of sticky pistons.

    They must be sticky or the door will only open once, and never close.

    Next, add a 1*2 column of sticky pistons at 90 degree angle to the 2*2 square of pistons.
    The direction these pistons face is the direction the doors will open/close.

    Step 2: Add

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