How to build a small house in minecraft easy

    minecraft how to make a house easy
    minecraft how to make a simple house
    minecraft how to build a modern house easy
    how to make a minecraft house easy step by step
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    Easy minecraft houses survival!

    Introduction: How to Make a Minecraft House

    If you wanna make a minecraft house, you've come to the right place. In this instructable I'll show you how to make a two story house in Minecraft with a balcony.

    This house is made out of wood since it's such an easy resource to build a house with.

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  • This is my first time making an instructable. Hope you enjoy. :D

    Step 1: Materials

    Notice:you can use any kind of wood you want i went with oak cause it looks slick.

    1.wooden log

    2wooden planks

    3.wooden stairs

    4.wooden fence

    5.wooden slab

    6.a door or glass panes

    8.any other material you want to decorate your house

    Step 2: Front Porch

    Do a 4x7 design on each end.Then fill it in as i did

    Step 3: Front Porch Finish

    Put fence around leaving the bottom open.put a log in the first space as i did.

    Step 4: Getting Into First Floor

    We are gonna start making the wall by following the pattern in the picture.

    Step 5: First Floor-floor(get It)

    Put 16 blocks as i did on each side,then fill the bottom with your fence connecting it to the porch fill it in wit

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