What do you need to go to the nether in minecraft

    minecraft survival nether
    minecraft survival nether portal
    minecraft survival netherite
    minecraft survival nether base
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    Nether survival minecraft wiki

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  • Nether minecraft
  • Nether Only Survival, is a simple but yet interesting challenge, that makes you do obscure work arounds and learn intriguing details about the nether. The rules are simple, you must start yourself in the nether, you should be in hardcore, and you can never go back to the overworld.

    Setting up[]

    • Start by creating the world in Hardcore mode
    • Open the world to LAN and enable cheats (allowing you to go in creative)
    • Set yourself to creative and create the portal to the nether
    • Go through the portal, destroy it, and delete all the items in your inventory
    • Set yourself back to survival (Leave and rejoin the game to disable LAN)


    • In the beginning, do not run or do anything that will take much hunger, at first it'll be a struggle to find a sustainable food source
    • Stay away from Soul Sand Valley biomes, they spawn skeletons which are very dangerous to fight out in the open while slowed
    • Pick up everything that seems to be useful, including mushrooms which can be turned into mushroom stew
    • Don't fight Ghast until you've acquired a bow other then that they're an unnecessar

        minecraft survival nether fortress
        minecraft nether survival challenge