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How to make a resource pack for minecraft java
Minecraft resource pack maker.
Introduction to Resource Packs
Before building your first Add-On for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, you need to create a pack to hold your custom content. There are two types of packs that a creator can make: resource packs and behavior packs.
For this tutorial, we're going to be focusing on resource packs.
A resource pack is a folder structure that contains all of your custom models, sounds, textures, and other custom content.
In this tutorial, you will learn:
- How a resource pack is created.
- How a manifest file is created.
- How custom textures are loaded into Minecraft.
- The concept of Pack Stacking when working with Add-On content.
Sample Resource Pack
There is a sample resource pack available on the Minecraft samples Github.
This pack may be used to understand the structure of resource packs and to check your work after you complete this tutorial.
We recommend completing the following before beginning this tutorial:
Building the Resource Pack
For Minecraft to find and use your resource files, you must set up the folders and files in a specific
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