Java Edition Infdev |
20100625-2 | Added saddles. |
Saddles do not drop from saddled pigs. |
Saddles can be found in the new dungeonchests. |
Java Edition |
1.2.4 | release | When baby animals were introduced, baby pigs could be ridden just like adult pigs.
After this version, baby pigs can no longer be saddled. |
1.3.1 | 12w21a | Saddles can now be bought from butcher villagers for 6–7 emeralds each, and thus have become renewable. |
1.4.2 | 12w36a | Saddles now drop from killing saddled pigs.
Added carrot on a stick to direct saddled pigs, effectively controlling them. |
12w37a | Pigs can now jump when being ridden. |
1.6.1 | 13w18a | Regular saddles can now be used to ride horses, while previously they required horse saddles.
Added saddles to the loot tables of mineshaft minecarts, stronghold altar chests, village blacksmith chests, as well as desert and jungle pyramids. |
Added chests to nether fortresses, where saddles can be found. |
1.7.2 | 13w36a | Saddles can now be fished with fishing rods and are described as treasure. |
1.8 | 14w02a | Trading has been change
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