How to summon primed tnt in minecraft bedrock
- minecraft summon tnt
- minecraft summon tnt command
- minecraft summon tnt with fuse
- minecraft summon tnt explosion radius
Summon tnt minecart command!
How to spawn 10000 tnt commandWhat is the command to fill TNT in Minecraft?
The command to fill TNT in Minecraft is /fill followed by the coordinates of 2 opposite corners and then tnt. For example, you can use the command /fill -4291 90 3000 -4295 94 3004 tnt to fill a specific area with TNT.
What is the command to fill a lot of TNT?
The command to fill a lot of TNT in Minecraft is /fill ~~~30~30~30~tnt.
This command works on every device and allows you to quickly fill a large area with TNT.
What is the fill command in Minecraft?
The fill command in Minecraft allows you to replace all blocks in a specified fill region, including air.
To use this command, type /fill in the chat window and enter the coordinates of the two opposite corners of the region you want to fill.
Summon tnt with explosion power
The replaced blocks will be dropped and can be collected as if they were mined.
What is the biggest fill command in Minecraft?
The fill command in Minecraft can place up to 32,768 blocks at once. However, it cannot place blocks in the void or beyond the world limit.
To use the fill command, you need to specify specific coordinates to star
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- minecraft summon tnt with power