Aether portal mod

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  • Minecraft aether portal mod download.

    For those who are looking for a way to spice up Minecrraft gameplay with some mods and you have decided to install The Aether II mod but you know nothing about how to start to build the portal to even enjoy the mod, here is the information for you.

    Making a portal is actually an easy process that does not take a Redstone Technician to make, so please open the game called Minecraft and load a world to start everything.

    Method I: The Aether I

    • First of all, you have to gather the wood.

      It is possible for you to be in an area that has at least one tree. You might want to start off with breaking 4 to 6 logs.

      How to make aether portal in better minecraft

      As you are going through the world gathering resources, remember that any lava source that you find. For those who are not really familiar with lava, it can be described as a light emitting fluid block that is not good for you when you touch it.

      Please be careful around this liquid.

    • Craft the wooden planks by placing any log into the 2×2 crafting grid of your inventory. Apparently, a single log will give you 4 wooden planks.

    • Craft sticks by placing 2 wooden plan

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