How long is 1000 minecraft days in real-time

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    how long is the minecraft day night cycle
    how long is the minecraft day and night
    how long is the minecraft daylight cycle
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    How Long Is a Minecraft Day?

    Ever wonder how long a day is in Minecraft? This article covers everything you need to know about the day-night cycle in Minecraft, including tips for surviving the night.

    How Long Is a Full Minecraft Day and Night?

    An entire day in Minecraft lasts just 20 minutes in real-world time. According to the in-game clock, the day begins at 6 AM, and the sun reaches its peak at noon only five minutes later.

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  • You have about ten minutes of total daylight before the night starts to fall.

    How Long Does a Night Last in Minecraft?

    Nights in Minecraft last roughly seven minutes. At 10 minutes and 30 seconds into the day, you can use a bed to sleep in until morning.

    Midnight comes at the 15-minute mark, and then the sun starts to rise a few minutes later. You get another few minutes of light before the new day begins.

    The Day and Night Cycle in Minecraft

    Here's a minute-by-minute break down the day-night cycle in Minecraft:

    Real-World MinutesMinecraft Time
    0:00Day begins
    0:23Sunrise ends

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