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    mcstatus.io is an online tool for retrieving the status of any Java Edition or Bedrock Edition Minecraft server. Easily retrieve the status of Hypixel, MCHub, CubeCraft or any other Minecraft server to check whether the server is up or down, and also see how many players are online.

    We also offer an API for developers to programmatically retrieve the status of Minecraft servers, with a very lenient cache duration of only 1 minute.

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    This service was inspired by mcsrvstat.us but built from the ground up with speed and reliability in mind. While working with other existing services, I realized the many missing features that developers could use which inspired me to start my own service.

    Some of our competitors use unnecessarily long cache times, meaning it could take up to 5 minutes to get the up-to-date status of any server you requested.

    This duration was entirely unnecessary, which is why we only cache statuses for up to 1 minute from the last retrieval. We also offer many features that our competitors do not, such as formatting options for the MOTD, v

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