How many bookshelves for enchanting table

    minecraft books around enchantment table
    minecraft bookshelves around enchantment table
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    minecraft how many bookshelves around enchantment table
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    Minecraft enchanting table bookshelf layout

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  • Best Minecraft enchanting table setup

    There are many ways to get powerful enchantments on your gear in Minecraft, from finding enchanted books to combining items using an anvil. However, using an enchanting table is still one of the best ways to do this, so having the best setup will help make this easier.

    How to set up an enchanting table in Minecraft

    To make the best enchanting table setup, you’ll need 15 bookshelves.

    With your 15 bookshelves, set your enchanting table down before creating a 5×5 square around it, leaving a gap as a doorway and a one-block space surrounding it.

    How to make an enchanting table and bookshelves in Minecraft

    If you’re preparing to make an enchanting area but don’t have the blocks yet, be ready to farm for some paper, diamonds, and obsidian, among a few other items.

    First, you’ll need the following resources to make an enchanting table:

    • One book
    • Four obsidian
    • Two diamonds

    With these items, arrange them so that the book is at the top of your crafting table, the obsidian in an upside-down ‘

      minecraft how to place bookshelves around enchantment table
      minecraft books enchanting table