Best way to find diamonds in minecraft bedrock
- how to get minecraft diamonds
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- how to get diamonds minecraft 1.20
- how to get diamonds minecraft bedrock
Best y level for diamonds 1.20 bedrock...
How to find diamonds in minecraft java
Diamonds are one of the most sought-after items in Minecraft, due to their use in crafting diamond and netherite tools, weapons, and armor. Diamonds are also one of the rarest ores in Minecraft along with emeralds, lapis lazuli, and ancient debris.
This makes diamonds extremely difficult to find and severely limits a player's supply of diamonds. This tutorial is intended to help players who want to obtain, maintain, and expand their diamond supply.
How to find diamonds in minecraft 1.20 bedrock editionObtaining diamonds[]
Diamonds can be obtained from diamond ore, a rare find found in about ~0.0846% (~1 in 1200) of blocks in levels 5-16. Diamonds can be found anywhere beneath layer 16, but is most common in layers 5-12 in version 1.17.1 and below; in versions 1.18 and later they are expected to be most common between layers -50 to -64.
Most players find it through caving or mining. Most advice seems to suggest using starting at -58 for 1.18 or later and 11 for earlier versions as your starting point.
The player needs an iron, diamond, or netherite pickaxe to mine diamonds (and any gold, emerald, or redstone they find, as wel
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