How to make chocolate in minecraft
- how to use cocoa beans in minecraft
- how do you use cocoa beans in minecraft
- how to put cocoa beans on a tree in minecraft
- how to farm cocoa beans in minecraft
Do cocoa beans need light to grow minecraft
Can you eat cocoa beans in minecraft...
Cocoa Beans
- Age 0 JE
- Age 1 JE
- Age 2 JE
- Age 0 BE
- Age 1 BE
- Age 2 BE
Cocoa pods are bonemealableplants placed on jungle log sides that grow cocoa beans, and can be found naturally in jungles.
In Java Edition, cocoa beans are only obtained through the natural generation of cocoa pods, while in Bedrock Edition, they can also be gotten in bonus chests, from fishing inside the jungle, bamboo jungle, and sparse jungle biomes and during trading with a wandering trader.
How to get cocoa beans in minecraftCocoa beans come from cocoa pods, which are found on the trunks of normal-sized naturally-generated jungle trees in jungle, bamboo jungles, and sparse jungle temperate biomes.
Cocoa pods can be mined with any item, but axes are the quickest.
In Java Edition, fully grown cocoa pods drop 3 cocoa beans, while in B
- how to grow cocoa beans in minecraft without a jungle
- how to place cocoa beans in minecraft