Minecraft button door
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12 years ago more....
Introduction: How to Make a Toggle Piston Door in Minecraft
First, you must use these items (the amount does not matter in creative, in survival it may take more or less than the amount shown).
Redstone Torch
Step 1: Step 1: Build "Hallway"
First, you want to build a space for the button and door.
Step 2: Step 2: Placing Pistons and Turning Them On
Now, you want to place the pistons in the order shown, and put a redstone torch behind each set, with a block (any block) above the torches.
Step 3: Step 3: Getting the Redstone Ready
Now, you want to start building the redstone.
Today I'm showing YOU how to add buttons to ANY Redstone door In Minecraft Bedrock!
When it is powered, it will turn off the redstone torch, which will open the doors.
Step 4: Step 4: Wiring Up Both Sides Together
Now, you want make it so when you power any part of the redstone, it will deactivate both pistons.
Wire redstone over the hallway to connect to the pistons on either side.
Step 5: Step 5: Testing the Pistons
Now, if you wanted an ordinary piston door controlled by a lever, then you can place the lever as shown.
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