Bendy and the ink machine minecraft portal
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Minecraft: How TO MAKE A PORTAL TO BENDY AND THE INK MACHINE (Ps3/Xbox360/PS4/XboxOne/PE/MCPE) 175K views 6 years ago....
Cracked Walls
Also known as
Inky Walls
Cracked Walls
To hide (BatDR)
Ink Portals appear to be fully black, holes in walls. in Bendy and the Ink Machine, there are 6 boards inside the crack. In Boris and the Dark Survival, there are only 2 boards inside the crack.
6 years ago more.
In Bendy and the Dark Revival, there are 8 boards, except for the hideable versions, which only have 2.
Usage and Locations[]
Boris and the Dark Survival[]
There are only three Ink Portals that are not randomly generated in levels.
One is behind the phonograph and table in the safehouse, another is in the hallway outside the safehouse and past the Tasty Eats machines, and finally there is an Ink Portal next to the Golden Days Gallery. All others just randomly appear throughout the levels.
Sammy has a special ability to go through Ink Portals that will teleport you somewhere else. It will take some of Sammy's ene
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